
It has a Name

KT has written this powerful poem about her struggle with her mysterious illness-psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) and the importance of finally being told what it was exactly that she has been suffering.  She has generously agreed to share with us and we thank her for that. Friends-close friends from near and far decide it is […]

It has a Name Read More »

Why do Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) become chronic for so many?

For the past year or so I have had a survey up on homepage.  It asks: How long have you been suffering non-epileptic episodes? 109 responses were received.  Note that this is not a scientific survey that is based on those who wished to respond. Over 40% reported that PNES has been part of

Why do Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) become chronic for so many? Read More »

Health Professionals Need to become educated about Psychogenic seizures (PNES)

Recently I read a couple of comments about psychogenic seizures on an epilepsy professional Forum and was thoroughly disappointed and irritated to say the least.   Although the tone of the comments was essentially professional and apparently trying to be helpful, I was taken aback by how dismissively the PNES patient was spoken of by these

Health Professionals Need to become educated about Psychogenic seizures (PNES) Read More »

Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: GC recommends that you listen to yourself

This blog post was written by a young woman who was diagnosed with psychogenic seizures (PNES) seven years ago.  She has coursed a hard yet enriching road that eventually helped her overcome her PNES.  Not only has she overcome the condition, she is now helping others to do the same.  we thank her for taking

Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: GC recommends that you listen to yourself Read More »

New book Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: A Guide receives 5 star-review from Pacific Book Reviews

I am posting as is: In the sciences of medicine and psychology, there are myriad subjects for practitioners to turn their focus to. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that something is going to get lost in the shuffle, and Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES) appears to have drawn the short end of the stick in that game.

New book Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: A Guide receives 5 star-review from Pacific Book Reviews Read More »

Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: Ming shares her story of living with PNES

My psychogenic seizures began like this: I was exposed to “Workplace Bullying.” Even though I had exemplary yearly evaluations my supervisor began the bullying and as it increased I reported it to the head boss. They planned to have 5 back to 5 meetings in one day with him and others (there’s a term for

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Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures: How can you have a stress disorder if you’re not feeling stressed?

The question I hear from almost all my patients who have received the diagnosis of psychogenic seizures the first few times we meet is: “How can I have a stress condition if I am not feeling at all stressed? The answer is: There is a difference between feeling stressed and being under stress.   And developing

Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures: How can you have a stress disorder if you’re not feeling stressed? Read More »

Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures: A Guide-new book for patients and loved ones hopes to fill the information gap that currently exists

For the past year and a half I have been writing a book on psychogenic seizures for those living with PNES as well as their caregivers and the professionals who work with them.  As we all know, psychogenic seizures look very much like epileptic seizures, but are not triggered by electrical anomalies in the brain

Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures: A Guide-new book for patients and loved ones hopes to fill the information gap that currently exists Read More »

Treating Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: Only half of US psychiatrists accept payment through health insurance

An article came out earlier this week in USA Today that underscored a very serious problem that persons with psychogenic non epileptic seizures (and other mental health conditions) face.  Only half of psychiatrists accept insurance which means that if you need treatment you need to be prepared to pay large out-of-pocket fees. This is not

Treating Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: Only half of US psychiatrists accept payment through health insurance Read More »

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