non epileptic

Summer Recommendations on books about psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) and epileptic seizures

I like a lot of things about the summer months including the warmer weather, the longer days, the fact that New York City becomes less crowded, traveling, and sitting or lying outside resting and catching some sunrays.  But what I especially enjoy about the summer is that I get to read the books that have …

Summer Recommendations on books about psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) and epileptic seizures Read More »

The Psychogenic non-epileptic Seizures Pocketbook-Why Julia Doss wrote it

Writing the “Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures Pocketbook” came about after many years of treating patients with PNES and training other clinicians in treating them. It has been humbling and rewarding to work with families and their children and watch them get better and grow into their adulthood. But this isn’t how my career initially started. In …

The Psychogenic non-epileptic Seizures Pocketbook-Why Julia Doss wrote it Read More »

Join me in congratulating the 2023 Lorna Myers PNES Scholarship awardees!

Every year, all profits from the sale of “Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: A guide” are donated to Epilepsy Alliance America, a wonderful foundation that hosts the Lorna Myers PNES Scholarship. This award is offered to any person living in the USA and who has a diagnosis of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.  The money that is granted can …

Join me in congratulating the 2023 Lorna Myers PNES Scholarship awardees! Read More »

Students living with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES)-a new study

  For almost 20 years, I have been a school nurse. During one of my first years as a school nurse, I met a student with what health care providers were then calling pseudoseizures. While many school personnel were very supportive of this student, there were just as many who were NOT. I heard comments …

Students living with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES)-a new study Read More »

Service animals for people living with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES): some thoughts

I get asked about service dogs for PNES quite a bit and over the last few years, I have had the opportunity to observe my patients’ service dogs and emotional support animals in action. The ones who are really well-trained have left me very impressed at how useful they are in ensuring safety and also …

Service animals for people living with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES): some thoughts Read More »

Moral injury in female US combat veterans diagnosed with PNES

For this month’s blog post, we have invited a young researcher to share her call for research subjects on this site.  This research has been approved by an institutional review board and is completely voluntary. If you are interested in reading more about it or in participating if you fit the inclusion criteria, click on …

Moral injury in female US combat veterans diagnosed with PNES Read More »

Current research projects for persons diagnosed with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES), also known as dissociative or functional seizures

  One of the ways in which we can help improve the lives of those living with PNES or dissociative seizures is through scientific research.  Fortunately, in the last couple of decades, there has been a proliferation of research studies that have focused on risk, prognostic and outcome factors, diagnostic tools, treatment modalities, among other …

Current research projects for persons diagnosed with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES), also known as dissociative or functional seizures Read More »

Please join me in celebrating the 2021 winners of the Lorna Myers PNES scholarship!

This year, the Epilepsy Alliance of America awarded eight fantastic women scholarships to assist them in pursuing their education. The main criteria for this award is that the applicant must have a diagnosis of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) and can show that he/she is planning on using these funds to further his/her education. Why was …

Please join me in celebrating the 2021 winners of the Lorna Myers PNES scholarship! Read More »

Recommendations for summer reading: a variety of choices about and by persons living with Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES)

Psychoeducation: refers to some form of intervention (lecture, support group meeting or published materials) that aims to educate the audience members/readers about a specific health condition, provides coping suggestions and informs about treatment options.  Usually, psychoeducation is provided by health professionals but not necessarily; patients who have educated themselves about their health issues can prove …

Recommendations for summer reading: a variety of choices about and by persons living with Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) Read More »

As someone who has PNES, what should I know about the COVID-19 vaccines?

If we can say anything for sure about COVID-19 is that there is still a lot that we do not know. Making matters worse, at times experts have communicated confusing and contradictory information to the public. One of the clearest examples of these confounding messages can be found in the advice provided regarding mask wearing.  …

As someone who has PNES, what should I know about the COVID-19 vaccines? Read More »

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