Also, if you are not sure what the researcher means by “moral injury,” you can read more about it on the USA Veterans’ Administration website. https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/treat/cooccurring/moral_injury.asp#:~:text=Moral%20injury%20is%20the%20distressing,individual’s%20values%20and%20moral%20beliefs.
Hello! I am a High School senior enrolled in a course called Science Research through UAlbany. I am researching how Moral Injury affects Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures (PNES) in female U.S. combat veterans between the ages of 18-40. To conduct my research, I have developed two questionnaires, one asking questions about Moral Injury and PNES and one focusing on only PNES.
Patients with PNES and Moral Injury would fill out the form concerning both PNES and MI, while those who have only PNES will fill out the form that only focuses on PNES. Patients for this study must have a Video-EEG confirmation of PNES, be between the ages of 18 and 40, be biologically female, served in a combat zone, and have Moral Injury or reason to believe they have Moral Injury (ex. they relate to the majority of the symptoms). If you are interested in learning more about this study and participating, please click on the link below to access my website along with links to both questionnaires.