Please join me in celebrating the 2021 winners of the Lorna Myers PNES scholarship!

This year, the Epilepsy Alliance of America awarded eight fantastic women scholarships to assist them in pursuing their education. The main criteria for this award is that the applicant must have a diagnosis of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) and can show that he/she is planning on using these funds to further his/her education.

Why was this scholarship set up? Several years back, I decided to take all the royalties from my book “Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: A guide” and to put them to use supporting the PNES community.

As a clinical psychologist, my patients and I focus on reducing seizure frequency, improving mood, quality of life, improving stress coping, and much more.  But what we have come to realize is that our efforts don’t just end there.  In fact, things are just getting started when someone stops having seizures! And if seizures are still happening, continuing to move forward in your aspirations (i.e., continuing your education) can actually work in favor of getting seizures under better control when you are also in treatment.

And this is how the idea of a scholarship came about.  What could be better than giving someone living with PNES a scholarship, a scholarship that supports this person’s efforts towards an independent and seizure-free life through a college degree or by learning a trade?  Because when the seizures go away or even if they don’t necessarily go completely away, being more educated and employed is major step in the direction of improved health and wellbeing.

How is the scholarship funded? The scholarship is funded through the sales of the book: “Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: A guide.”  All (yes, you read right), all royalties go to the Epilepsy Alliance of America who generously manages the applications and grants the awards every year.  We appreciate the tremendous work they do every year in promoting, then evaluating and finally, granting the scholarships.  A special thanks goes out to Pat Gibson!


How can I apply and what are the requirements? Swing by the Epilepsy Alliance of America page and if needed, send a message to them.

Follow this link to view all the 2021 awardees:

Congratulation to the winners for the 2021 Lorna Myers Scholarship (

1 thought on “Please join me in celebrating the 2021 winners of the Lorna Myers PNES scholarship!”

  1. soy microbiologo, a pesar de tener estas convulsiones no epilepticas durante el sueño desde los 8 años de edad, ahora tengo 48, he salido adelante en la parte profesional tenfgo una maestria y una especialidad, pero mi temor llega a la hora de acostarme… ya le tengo miedo a la cama y pues es logico que no duerma muy bien. espero una entrevista con algun profesional del tema. Gracias

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