Dis-sociated will be a feature length documentary about Dissociative Seizures, also known as Non-epileptic Attack Disorder (NEAD) or Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES).
Clea decided to make this documentary after witnessing first-hand the tremendous difficulties her friend faced with her diagnosis of PNES (or dissociative seizures), or what might otherwise at times be considered, medically unexplained symptom. She was struck by how little media there was on this tremendous disorder despite being estimated to be as common as Multiple Sclerosis.
Over the last one year +, she has been traveling in Europe and the USA to interview patients and clinicians/researchers, putting together a comprehensive view of this health condition.
A documentary of this kind about psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) has never before been made and really needs our support in these last 48 hours of fundraising.
With the funds she has raised, she will now be able to complete a high quality film which is wonderful news! But there are a few more things she would like to do with this film, including adding graphics, and getting music licences, to name a few!
So please keep sharing, retweeting, emailing and spreading the word.
Go to this site and make a donation (no donation is too small-as you can see there have been 133 backers at the time this post was written) and join the community.
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dis-sociated-a-documentary-by-clea-martin-vargas-film-health#/Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000258 EndHTML:000661735 StartFragment:000659485 EndFragment:000661584 StartSelection:000659490 EndSelection:000661580 SourceURL:https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dis-sociated-a-documentary-by-clea-martin-vargas-film-health
I think this a wonderful idea. I’ve had Pnes for 5 years now and have just recently been trying to educate the medical field in Chicago with info. There are currently no doctors or hospitals who treat Pnes in Illinois. I’ve gone to the website to donate but it was closed. Please let me know if there is another way to donate! Thank you for your help I look forward to seeing this film.
Hi my name is samantha and I’m from new zealand. And I to have a similar story to Clea I knew of a family friend who was only 32 when she developed PNES and sadly this condition only took her life after 3 years of having it. She passed away two weeks ago at the age of 35 due to the lack of knowledge and help here in this country. And I’ve been dumb founded on the lack of information about this condition causing such premature death only information I can find is that it can take from two to 10 years off your life. And I can not find much stories on people that passed away from it so soon. But I will love to watch this documentary and will be. . I feel Clea is right in many ways finding little information on the internet as I too struggle the lack of awareness is a major concern and I know how that feels in some way as I suffer from an auto immune disease that has little information on it and lack of support an awareness even though its as common as ms like they say an as common as this too. But big ups to Clea for standing up for those who can’t speck for themselves people like her now inspire me to also stand up and speck up about it and help others so people like my family friend has someone to speck on behalf .
condolences with your loved one Samantha, and for all the others. I lost my friend from this 4 years ago, he was 21. He died because no medical center, doctor or hospital took him seriously.
This winter i got my first home for 6 years ( the conditions makes me unable to work, so no money), and its next to the graveyard where he is burried. A green muslim tombstone of wood. i can see him from my window, from where iam writing this, because he is reminding me that we have to spread this, to fight for our rights to be taken seriosly and offerd treatment, and posibilities for a proper life.
I started to develope this seizures when i was 12- 13 and have had them almost everyday the last 10-11 years.
Strangely nobody have ever “noticed” or ever asked me any help, especially not institutions. Nobody could help me with anything, not even a doctor that knew about this disorder i could explain to. Doctors, Neurologists, hospitals, noby wants to deal with it. They have absolutly no idea, no understanding of this condition? and how can that be? Not even in the richest country in the world(here, norway) they can manage to create one doctor that could help for example a young man like me, strangly still living, but propably not too long. This is to hard for anyone to deal with on their own.
Ten years of doctor, not even one have heard of it? even though its relatively normal..
Therfor i am very happy for people like Clea who trie to sppread, create knowledge about this, thank you, hope the film gets paid and finished